Gut Instinct vs Anxiety


Gut Instict (or mother’s intuition) vs anxiety. How do you tell the difference?

I had my anatomy scan on Wednesday and everything went well but ever since then I just can’t shake this feeling that something is wrong or will go wrong.

I’ve had no complications and baby is measuring well, I have no reason to feel this way but yet I can’t shake the feeling.

I struggle getting excited because I’m scared it will jinx it. Since the scan on Wednesday I’ve felt sort of sad as if I had received bad news but I didn’t. I see others post ultrasound photos and almost get jealous until I remind myself that I have those photos of our beautiful baby too.

We find out the gender tomorrow and it almost makes me sad. Like this feeling that I’m learning the gender of a baby I’ll never have. Why am I feeling this way??

How do you differentiate from it being a gut instinct that you should listen to vs anxiety?

I haven’t really felt baby move yet, I have an anterior placenta so I can’t rely on that to reassure me yet and I’m nervous and doppler could feed into my anxiety.