Needing Opinions..

So my boyfriend has been wanting to go on a date for a while, he proposed that this weekend we have a date for a couple of hours. He said “my mother can watch the baby”. Our son is 6 months old, I’ve never left him besides with my mother to go to the grocery store or run some errands.

So this is the problem, I’ve been asking my mother in-law and his family for the longest to come over and help me on the week days, I always tell them “I have no help, it’d be nice if any of you could just come over and help me out or even just watch the baby while I shower” I’m so nice to them and tell them they can visit anytime week day they would like but they don’t visit, they never ask to come over and they have never have helped me out. The baby barely sees them because they never come around, they know anything about him.. not what he eats (breast milk or formula), what his favorite toys are, the certain way to put him to bed, what I give him for teething, how much milk he drinks in a bottle. But they keep insisting to watch the baby while we go on a date, but I don’t understand why.. because they won’t even visit us. I told my boyfriend I don’t feel comfortable with his mom and family watching the baby because they barely know him, he’s getting attached to familiar faces and they never come around to help. Am I being dramatic? He got upset about it and said it would be great bonding time for them. I just feel like if they really wanted to see him they’d come over at least once a week to get to know their grandson then I’ll eventually feel comfortable with them watching him. I mean none of them have ever even changed him diaper once, I don’t understand why they want to watch them at their house but won’t even come over here to visit us. I find it very odd and just don’t feel comfortable