I think I met my person 🥰 how did you meet yours ?

I posted on here last week about me talking to this new guy and needing advice because I’ve been out of the game for a long time. So we met up in person and my god . He is everything I wanted and more. He set me up in a beautiful hotel with the most beautiful view of the city. He was in constant communication and was on time for our date. We went to lunch and had the most stimulating conversation That flowed. He was extremely affectionate and it felt like we were old friends. It felt so easy. We had talked about his dog a few times so when I saw him I gave him a bag of dog toys and treats. He was in awe and said “ wow , no one ever gets me anything “and leaned in and kissed me as if we were married. We share the same dark humor. He makes me non stop smile. I just loved everything about him. I never expected any of this or was looking for any of this !

When did you know you found the one