Tired of no social interaction

Hi everyone! I take this virus seriously I’ve only had a few people over to my house and we hung out outside far away from each other had hand sanitizer and masks.

I’m just to this point of frustration where I’m so disappointed I could cry.

My boyfriend and I don’t live together I live with someone who’s high risk though but he’s going out to a bar for karaoke and I can’t handle it. I’m tired of being in this house. I take a drive when I can but, he wants to come over to visit and he wants my affection but, it’s not like I can kiss him or be affectionate at all like I want to be. 🥺 I’m really trying to keep everyone safe and no one listens. I’m past my breaking point. Should I end it? Because anytime he does something that doesn’t seem safe I just freak out.

I would be okay with him going to karaoke and the bar if it wasn’t a pandemic. I don’t know I just really care about him and I don’t want him sick.