Please help


Where do I start. I’m in a horrible toxic situation with my living situation. And would love some advice. In 19 and my parents aren’t supportive at all. I pay for all my things , everything I wear, do , eat, you name it. and I’m currently detoxing for a job.

So money is tight. I went out to supper with my parents together. I paid for my own meal.

Now another thing I neeeeed to bring up is I have an older brother. He hasn’t had a job in 3 years. My mom bought him a new bed set, shirts and infront of me offered him supper not me. Than proceeded to rub that she took me driving yesterday ( just got my learners ) and said that’s enough for me. I told her I appreciated it but you shouldn’t rub that in my face. My dad don’t do that. It’s a learning experience I need for life and when I buy a car. It shouldn’t be like that. Not to mention my now ex , we broke up today. He’s gone partying in a different province but told me he was going down to work on some trucks. So man I don’t know what to do. It’s 2 am , my mother is throwing glass and put her hands on me. My finger is sprained. Got glass in my dogs paws which I tried so hard to keep him away. I cannot express enough how I buy EVERYTHING for myself. Hair brushes. Pillows. Shoes. As an adult should. I take pride. But she’s currently destroying it all and throwing it outside. That iveeeee Purchased and fake calling the police. I’m 19. My parents wanted me to get this site job and broke my Bong right before I paid for the course for site. I’m so mentally lost and in pain. Physically.