No Romance

Hey girls❤️ I had a question, I probably won’t comment because I am embarrassed for even asking this so I’ll be posting anonymously but... well I guess it’s not a question, I just need to vent. i have been with my boyfriend for 4 years now and he’s the love of my life, I know that for sure. But he’s not romantic, and it’s starting to bother me. When you love someone, you’ll push little things aside or ignore them but I’m agitated that every date we have, I always plan. He never takes the initiative to do anything special. I also do realize how this can come off like I am being a spoiled brat or just a brat in general but I promise I’m not, I am very grateful to have someone like this to love, I just wish he’d do a little more. Of course finances are a factor at times, but romance doesn’t mean you always have to spend money, we can do romantic picnics and nature walks, walks on the beach, he can write me love letters . I love all of the corny romantic stuff you see in movies, but he never does it and he knows I like romantic things too. I had told him in casual conversation one time that I wished he was more romantic and his reply was “i wish i was more romantic too sometimes because i know that’s what you like” I have done so many things that are out of my comfort zone to not only challenge myself but put a smile on his face, I do a lot that’s within his interest and not my own because I want to make him happy, but it just seems like when it comes to me he won’t make the effort. I feel like this generation of men isn’t romantic at all 😫 I don’t know what type of advice i expect to get, I don’t want to talk to him about it because I want him to surprise me with things and personally I feel as if I shouldn’t have to tell him to be romantic. *sigh* has anybody felt like this?