Is my husband doing something sneaky?

Okay ladies I need help so I’m 19 weeks pregnant my sex drive has decreased so much I don’t even want to have sex or show affection the last couple days I got into an argument with my husband because some old pictures showed up on my iPad that were only used and taken on one of his social media accounts that he used to use to talk to his ex he would have no way to get those pictures without logging into that account.. I found the pictures on the iPad and asked him about them he claims he has no idea how they got onto the iPad saved on there on Tuesday, well today I noticed he deleted his Apple ID off the iPad so nothing that he does on his phone will also show on the iPad no messages or pictures or phone calls nothing he also changed the password to the iPad. Today I noticed he changed the password to his phone but before he did that I had asked him to check if someone was blocked and I noticed he had unblocked 6 people from his block list that use to be blocked for things that happen earlier on in the relationship and I don’t know who those 6 people were but they are unblocked because I always remember how many people

He had blocked because he has a history of doing this. So today I noticed he had unblocked 6 people but claims he doesn’t know who he unblocked or why he was even in his block list he said he was just in his settings and decided to unblock people.... he also changed his phone password too and took my Face ID out of his phone and won’t tell me the password he keeps getting notifications but he also changed the notifications to not show on the lock screen what they are they just say messages and notification. Please help!!! I need feedback he also started seeping on the couch 2 nights ago and I noticed he stopped asking to have sex he laughs in my face when I bring up that I feel insecure about what is happening!! Please give me feedback or your stories and advice