Is it unreasonable to say no? Needing advice please.

My ex has a major alcohol problem and we went to court for custody/visitation/child support for our now 10 month old son. He has set custody (about 6%, specific days/times) and is constantly asking for changes/adjustments. I accommodate within reason, the only major change has been Mother’s Day which he mentioned before I had to so I allowed for a make up day, I also asked if I could reschedule one 1.75hr visit to be able to go to my sisters out of state wedding (which I didn’t end up going) and his response was “well my dad lives out of state so I expect the same”. All the changes he has asked for have been related to an event/party of some sort. I’m just over it and annoyed at how demanding he is and how the only times he wants more time are to show off our son like some trophy or something. Essentially he’s forfeiting parenting time and expecting me to accommodate. While simultaneously requesting to lower his child support, missing child support payments, hasn’t bought the things our son needs but is boating every weekend etc. I’m just annoyed and fed up and unsure if I’m unreasonable in feeling as such? I do all the driving and making sure he has everything he needs and then when he’s At his dads his dads gf does everything for him. He literally plays with him here and there and that’s it. trying not to be bitter and to have grace and think of how I’d feel on the other side of this, but feeling it at the moment. I can take some constructive Advice/help please? Especially on a response to this because I’m needing to put my foot down on the constant asking for accommodations.

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