Ovulation After Miscarriage - HELP!


So I recently just had a miscarriage between July 7-19 I just stopped bleeding and have been trying to track ovulation (I want to try again but boyfriend wants to go with what doctor said which was wait 2 months). We have resumed having sex again since the bleeding had stopped but I’m curious of a few things moving forward! 1st question you ladies who have gone through something similar how long did your doctor tell you to wait and why? And did you? And if you didn’t, do you feel like waiting the full time would’ve changed anything? Was your next pregnancy viable and healthy? My 2nd question is do these ovulation look positive or negative to you? I can’t tell if they look like some are lighter and darker if I’m about to start ovulating again soon and if so if we should not have sex and not try. I took them all a few days apart and the last one is most recent from this morning. I think it looks a little darker but I feel like they’d be 100% dark when I’m ovulating like they were the first time but it’s been a while and I need some second opinions. ❤️ thank you all for your nice words and advice