Any tips for extremely picky toddlers


So when my son was 8 months old he would get so mad at us when we would feed him and throw like baby tantrums, eventually he got to be 1 and would only eat junk food and barely any fruit. He’s never wanted meat and only ate veggies as a baby.

He’s now almost three. And I am having such a hard time. Tonight we tried to get him to try a bite of mashed potatoes and he threw up everywhere... and no we didn’t force feed him! He took a bite and freaked out gagging and coughed then threw it up.

I’m literally at a loss for what to do. My pediatrician says it’s “normal” for toddlers to be picky but I have such a hard time getting him to eat anything healthy or anything at all. The only fruit or veggies he’ll eat are the gerber pouches. Like I really don’t think this is normal.. and I’m getting tired of people criticizing my parenting because he won’t eat.

We’ve tried not buying snack or junk food, we’ve tried offering him the same plate over and over, tried eating the same thing as him, taking away all distractions, offering things multiple times.. literally nothing works. He speaks really well and will use full sentences and can understand me and I try to talk to him but he just shuts down.

I don’t think he is on the autistic spectrum as he doesn’t have any other signs. He has always been ahead in every part of developing but just won’t eat. (I say that bc some family members have suggested that is the problem)

I should also mention

-he still takes a bottle. But he only gets one at night before bed and it’s half milk half water. It’s been his “comfort item” and we’ve been trying to hard to get him off that as well.

-he has had constipation problems since he was 3 months old, and now he is on miralax everyday to help him from holding in his poo.

-could this be from something traumatic? My husbands Parents babysat him before and they are no longer allowed to because of trust issues. But my MIL would always try to make him eat the weirdest stuff.

-we do give him gummy vitamins and he will eat those.

my daughter who is 9 months will eat absolutely everything you give her no problems.. so i just don’t get it. I’ve scheduled a dr appt just wanna know if any of you mamas can help me.