Just want another baby

After having my son 3.5 years ago and basically trying since he was 1. After losing over 30 lbs twice and trying so hard after hitting that milestone thinking it should be easier. After trying everything you’re supposed to to conceive and nothing working. Your mom tellling you over and over “you guys must be doing something wrong I conceived so easily all 3 times I had sex once and got a positive a few days later”. To hearing people say he’s not even talking yet why would you want another already? As if him talking or not should make me not want more children? Don’t you think you should find your bigger house first? Why wouldn’t you just wait til he’s in kindergarten at this point? At this point, I’m exhausted and tired of the judgy family and friends. Like why ask if I want another to then tell me I shouldn’t be trying? I’m tired guys. I know, I sound selfish cause I already have a child and I’m sorry. I know so many women on here are trying for their first and I sound ignorant but I really just feel defeated. I envy those who get pregnant without trying, who have sex once and get a BFP right away, those who get the perfect age gap they wanted cause their body does what it wants them to... all these thoughts and I just want to run.