Self Settling


So I need some tips.

Son is 18months old

Don’t have an issue with him sleeping through the night. The issue is settling down to sleep.

He won’t sleep without being rocked or held and I can’t do it anymore. It’s literally doing my back in I don’t have the luxury of his room big enough for a rocking chair

It’s either standing or being in an awkward position on the chair I do have or he will just fidget and not sleep.

Previously started sleep training nov/Dec last year with cry it out method and it I believe it did work.

Only issue is that we went on holiday dec and Jan and he had to sleep in the bed with us and it all went out the window.

However don’t think it will work now as he is every stubborn and already has a little temper.

We have a bed time routine, as I said it just the getting him to self settle.

Any advice on this welcome I’m at my wits end and all the advice I see if for young babies.