Pregnancy Symptoms?

Today I am 12 dpo. For the past 4 days I have been having several symptoms and wanted to see if anyone else was in the same boat! At 9dpo, I felt a pulling, twinging feeling around my uterus. At 10dpo I had a very strong metallic taste in my mouth after waking up. It was so strong that I could taste it through my breakfast, went away after a few hours. At 11dpo and today, I have been having waves of nausea. None of these symptoms have I ever had in any cycle before. Also, I usually get sore breasts three or four days before AF and I have not at all. Today I have been feeling a lot of pressure in my uterus area, not like cramps, just pressure. AF norammly would arrive on 13 or 14 dpo pretty regularly. I tested today and got a BFN (clearblue rapid). Also, I have IBS and my symptoms are usually very controlled and my symptoms have skyrocketed the past few days. I saw somewhere that someone had the same flare up that was pregnant. Trust me, I know that it could be nothing, but wanted to see I'd anyone had the same symptoms and are waiting like me or got a BFP.