Can not eating enough make you short of breath/dizzy?

My husband and I have recently started meal prepping and dieting. On the second-third day of our diet I started feeling a little short of breath and dizzy.

We are doing the intermediate fasting where you fast for like 16 hours and eat between 12pm-8pm. The first day I had lunch at 12 which consisted of white rice, air fried chicken and broccoli. I didn’t eat anything else during the day until after I got off work at 9pm which was a flat bread pizza on a 90 calorie tortilla with little pizza sauce and some cheese. I woke up Tuesday feeling short of breath and was pretty much short of breath all day( or very winded when I was trying to do laundry) yesterday until I ate something then I felt ALOT better and was able to do some work around the house without having to rest every 5 mins.

Now this morning I woke up feeling great and then i started feeling a little short of breath and dizzy after I started moving around more. I ate some yogurt for breakfast and felt better but now I’m starting to feel short of breath again.

Am I not eating enough???! Has this happened to anybody else??

Side note: I am 22 years old. 5’9” and 155lbs. I’m trying to loose some baby weight from having a baby a year ago.