Family member posting your child's pictures.

I'm stuck in a sticky situation and idk how to go about it since legally they can't do anything.

My sister got back together with her husband who she was suppose to be divorcing. He's very very abusive to her, my oldest niece who isn't his, and my other niece and nephew who are his. He's also very much a pedophile.

Since my sister is choosing to take him back because you know.. "he's changing" I have told her she's not allowed near my family at all, and that she will have nothing to do with my children. I have asked her nicely to delete every picture of them she has on her Facebook. And she read my message and then didn't do anything. I have tried reporting them, but nothing. My husband had enough and messaged her last night about and she ended up blocking us.

Now I'm not one to really complain about this type of stuff. But the fact is, I can't trust her husband and I don't need him to see what my boys look like or anything.

It frustrates me that she just won't delete them!!

I don't even know how I can go about this because like I said there isn't much I can do legally. My sister has caught him on child pornogrophy several times, and without that proof its a lost cause. And also being that its on my sisters page and not his. Trust me, we've already asked a lawyer.

So would you take this as a lost cause and just forget about it?

Let me just add that she has never had pictures of my kids until recently. Her and I have never had a good relationship when they were together and so she has never had anything to do with my children until she left him. That's when I started to give her a chance to get to know them. So its not like I'm just now not wanting her to have them.