Toddler hitting my stomach

I’m almost 20 weeks and recently started having issues with my toddler hitting, kicking and jumping on my belly as I’m getting bigger. I had some issues yesterday where she hit me so hard, I had bad stomach pains and cramps the rest of the day. I called my doctor after it started concerning me and I was told that as long as I wasn’t bleeding I should be fine, but they told me I need to stop picking up my daughter and modify things with her. She’s only 18 months old and very clingy with me. I’m a SAHM and have no help except when my husband is home from work. Does anyone have advice on how I can get my daughter to stop wanting to be held all the time and get her to understand to stop jumping on me. I’ve adjusted some things today, but she’s not happy with me and has just been crying most of the day because everything she wants me to do is straining my stomach in some way. She’s to young to understand that Im pregnant, even though she points to my stomach and says “baby”....she now does this to my husband as well so that’s how we know she doesn’t fully get it...LOL!! I just can’t keep going through my days having her crying because she can’t be rough with me or I can’t be holding her all the time. Any help would be appreciated, Thanks!