SIL Rant

my SIL is starting to annoy me she wants my son to go over her house every day she even bought a crib for her house she calls MY SON HER SON witch is super weird to me she tells people that she is his mom i had to correct her in front of people because you're his aunt not mom she goes behind my back and text are call her brother (my husband )to ask if they baby can go to her house when i just told her NO my son is breast-fed baby and he is only 7 weeks old and his my Rainbow baby and she tried to tell me how to raise my child telling me to put cereal in his bottle or breast milk and that he shouldn't be drinking breastmilk that if he is with her he drinks formula she even want out and bought him formula because she said that she can't Bond with him because he a breast Fed baby i told my husband he needs to check her before i do and my son is to not go over there EVER she also have two kids of her own she never really bothered me we was super close until i had my son she tried acting like his mom like when i had to go back to the er after i had him she want to my house and took my son from his dad she he can sleep over his house when i got home from the er she didn't want to give me my son back when i told i was outside waiting for him she said he sleeping you can pick him up tomorrow i said no give my son she said you mean my son that when he was 6days old now he is 7 weeks old and it's still the same problem when i told her how i feel about it she still continue to do it i was thinking maybe i am overreacting hormones are getting to me are something 

do you have problems with your sIL? 

sorry for the The spelling and English