Possible Preeclampsia


Today, for the first time my whole pregnancy at 32 weeks, a health issue popped up. It started with my blood pressure being a little elevated. They took my urine and found a +1 of protein (idk what that means but I know there was a bit of protein in my urine). They retook my blood pressure and it was better within a few minutes. I ended up getting bloodwork done which at initial sight looks good. I have to collect my pee in a jug for 24 hours and bring it in Friday where they’ll retake my blood pressure.

I have had zero other symptoms that could make me believe I have preeclampsia; no headaches, no swelling, and no vision issues. However, my mom had preeclampsia with her last pregnancy, my BMI is 30+, this is my first pregnancy, and they say women 20 and younger (through some other upper ages) are at risk for developing preeclampsia. I’m really hoping today was a fluke 🤞🏽