Due date/conception date

I’m newly pregnant (assumed 6 weeks) my first scan is in 2 weeks. I tracked my ovulation with OPKs so I’m pretty positive I know i ovulated on July 5th. I had a positive OPK on the 4th and raw egg white cm. When I type in the date of my last period I get 6 weeks, 4 days and it says I conceived June 29th. But when I put in my conception date, it says I’m 5 weeks, 4 days. Lol, idk what to go off of. I know my scan should tell me more but I’m worried I’ll be too early. If I go off the date I know I conceived, I won’t be quite 8 weeks at my scan. Hopefully I’ll still be able to see something. It isn’t impossible that I conceived June 29th, but my OPK was negative. I’m pretty positive I was ovulating on the 4th, so I think 5 weeks, 4 days is more accurate.

<a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android">Glow app</a> says I’m 6 weeks, but the <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.nurture">nurture</a> app says 5 weeks, 4 days and they’re based on the same info.