Would you

Would you break up with someone if there was no real sexual chemistry?

You’re otherwise best friends, they’re kind, understanding, anything you could have hoped for, but sexually there is zero chemistry. You occasionally kiss but it’s more just completing the action, there’s not really any sort of drive or passion.

And whenever you try to have sex nothing happens because they can’t get it up and it’s just awkward and weird.

Would you just stick it out because your friendship is perfect otherwise?

Is sex and sexual chemistry important to you?

EDITING TO ADD: we have been seeing each other on / off over a year now and we have managed to have sex a total of one time and it was awful. (I said I didn’t really want to, and he pressured me/did anyway). We had tried many times before hand to have sex but he couldn’t get it up so he’d just kind of go “yeah nothings going to happen but we can still get naked and/or kiss”.. then that incident occurred. Since then we stopped seeing each other but have started again recently and again sex issues. I have tried talking about it with him, he says he is broken and laughs it off. He’s basically, from what he’s said, given me the impression he does not like sex. Which is fair enough but also we will not be compatible then as I love it. But then I feel like a jerk if I end things over something like that