I wish my partner was more sexual!

My SO is lush, he would do literally anything for me. He makes me super happy...

However.... I just lack the sexual love. He wanks way too much so clearly doesn't have time for sex.

We are trying for a baby but it's hard, he just doesn't touch me and he just never licks me out.. I don't enjoy it when we do cos he is always in a rush to finish.

He told me before that he has gained weight and feels like he is getting old and less wanting sex than a fast beat out.

Which i guess is fine but i'm wondering if the wanking is affecting his sperm count?

I just am not satisfied by him at all.

I do try new undies and toys.. but i'm the only one making an effort!

I want to play on his fantasies but he just isn't interested, i've said I will do whatever and he can teach me what he likes! But he just doesn't

Starting to really miss epic sex