Am I inconsiderate ?!

I’ve been with my bf for about 5 years so I’m not sure if this type of stuff is normal in a relationship. I know after a while, the honey moon phase slowly dies down and things can get a little monotone.

Well anyways, my bf is obsessed with cars; specifically performance trucks. He’s a mechanic and has his own shop. He has his own business page on social media. For the past 2 years all he talks about is his job! 😒 i gotta recognize he’s hard working but he is a workaholic. It’s getting to the point where I’m a little frustrated.

He is always on his phone! I get it he is his own boss. Everytime we hang out he’s always on Instagram talking to clients. He’s on Craigslist looking to buy more cars to fix. He’s on eBay. I really wish he got off his phone. I’ve told him this and said he will try to see it less. He uses his phone in front of me and I could see. We only see eachother once a week. There have been times where we are watching movies and he gets a call from a client and just walks out. I’ll listen to him talk about cars. I figured I’d get used to it.

He calls me every night and that’s all he talks about. We never have a conversation about me or other stuff. I tell him “well babe anyways what should be we do this weekend?” He’ll say whatever and then start saying “damn this one car...or the other day at work” I’m a girl and don’t even know what he’s talking about. I rather not even talk if this is all he will talk about. I always tell him I’m proud of his work and try to bring up a topic I can also relate but ignores it.

Literally our texts are about his job too. Its always about the cars he fixed or the issues. It’s all about him. I’ve tried talking to him about it and all he says is sorry. If he gets a complaint at work he will be mad and not want to talk at all with me. He lets out his anger with me.Sometimes he will wake up early and I’ll shoot him a morning text and he will reply “not a good morning I’m just thinking about work babe” it’s been 2 months like this...he will wake up in the middle of the night thinking about work wtf!!!!

When we used to go out to eat too. He’d be on his phone on Craigslist. I’d ask if he can make a convo with me and he will then go back to his car stuff. I see it.

If he has issues with his clients, he is also not in the mood to have sex. One time we were in the middle of sex and he literally stopped because he couldn’t stop thinking about a truck he fixed and all the issues it had. It was Sunday and he kept telling me he wants it to be Monday already. Ok?!!!

We were out of town a year ago. After a week of being home, he was mad that he wanted to go to work and make money already. The issue is he’s always broke. I’ve tried to help but he is a bad saver.

Next door to his shop, there is an electrical shop. Well I got to meet some guys there and they’re all meth heads. My bf sends me videos of them high. I can tell he zooms in and makes jokes like “haha crack heads” honestly I don’t want to see this shit! This is all he talks about. He can bring up another conversation. Idk if I’m being clingy but I feel like he isn’t even romantic or asks about me. I told him kindly “babe I don’t want to see people on drugs this isn’t entertaining at all.” He will get bothered saying I can’t take a joke.

It’s been 3 years or less the his life revolves around his job. I’d appreciate to have other conversations but idk how else to tell him