Am I upset for a reason or no reason?

Okay so I have a med card. I smoke for my anxiety and to just chill out. My boyfriend awhile ago hated it and wouldn’t want to be w me if I did it. He eventually came to terms with me that I don’t do it every day. I do it often but not every day. Anyways we had plans w friends to drink and I had work the next morning so I told everyone I can barely drink. But I got high and they noticed asked me and told them yes. He didn’t know that and apparently one of the girls who’s supposed to be more my friend told him that I smoked that night and didn’t know if he knew. So that started a fight between us and when I asked her about it. She told me he brought it up to them and that she didn’t but in the situation until he said something. I’m upset bc she talks to her ex all the time and hangs out w him. When her current bf is out working to pay all the bills. But I don’t say shit to her man. I know lying isn’t okay. Before anyone says I shouldn’t lie I acknowledge I shouldn’t do that.

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