Runner - struggling due to fatigue


Any runners out there? So I’m on the slow side and just really got back to it at the beginning of the year. Back in May and June I was logging 6+ miles at least once a week.

When I got pregnant this 3rd time I double and triple checked with my doctor about sticking with my consistent 3-4 miles daily. She said it was ok, but perfectly natural that I was nervous, especially after 2 losses.

Anyhow, I have been trying to stick with it but the fatigue in the evening is unreal. Once I get to the couch after work, it is a struggle to do anything. I have had a few good runs, but most are me just trudging along for 40+ minutes giving myself a pep talk.

I am looking for tips or strategies that may work. I can’t run in the morning at the moment because I leave for work too early. Morning runs seem to be better as the fatigue picks up midday.

I am going to try and make myself walk if nothing else, but I hate walking and my walks become strolls lol.

I am happy to be having symptoms but I am nervous to not run as I know the decrease in running now could have a negative effect and make it to where I can’t maintain running later in the pregnancy.

Baby is measuring 6+2(ish). A tiny bit behind what I think I should be, but doc didn’t seem concerned and I am staying positive!