
I have never in my entire career of being a mom (11 months) have had my daughter fall or hit herself I’ve been lucky in that aspect.

Mother in law lives with my husband and I and meddles in everything and is super creepily possessive over my daughter. Anyway, today daughter fell out of the crib trying to get out of it. (First time it’s happened) I’m trying to comfort my daughter while angry at my husband for not watching her like I had asked him. Thankfully my daughter did not hurt herself thanks to a pile of clothes on the floor. But she did get a pretty good scare. I AM FEELING SO GUILTY RIGHT NOW ITS HARD TO MANAGE MY FEELINGS. (Mom guilt?) as I was comforting my daughter my mother in law asks for the baby and it made me see red because my daughter was crying and clinging on to me for dear life. I told her later because she seems to only want me atm

This lady called me a bad mom ladies

For not handing her my child and letting her be “savior” like she tries to be all the time.

I don’t even need advice or maybe I do I just don’t know where to place my feeling right now and thought writing would be better than going off on her.
