

I was in a relationship with my daughter’s dad for years He was and is very abusive, controlling, manipulative. You name it. I didn’t have access to money he controlled my work schedule my check. Everything. We had a car together that I didn’t even get to help pick.(my daughter was a newborn and I was in the bathroom bleeding out and breastfeeding while he was test driving cars) I had got into a car accident that wasn’t my fault got the car totaled (it was the last thing besides my daughter tying me to him) I feel like that was a sign. He stopped making the payments bringing my credit score way down. I didn’t think I’d ever be able to do anything on my own and he would laugh at me and make me feel like I needed him. he didn’t learn to change a diaper until she was one. Spent no time with us. Would force me to have sex with him or give him blowjobs because I didn’t work as hard as he did. I stayed home all day with my daughter until I got a job. I worked around his schedule made next to nothing. Was scared to leave because I had nothing to myself. When I did leave he was still trying to control me. Putting hands on me for being a little late from work. Texting and calling my phone hundreds of times everyday. Following me to and from anywhere I went. Taking pictures of me while I worked to show he was watching me. Just a lot of things of that nature.

Flash forward a couple years I moved out of my moms. Got myself together a bit. Got my daughter in daycare so I didn’t have to work around his schedule anymore. I have my own apartment now. I recently just got a car on my own. I’m in a relationship I didn’t think was possible. He has a son my daughters age and it’s like it was meant to be. He is the sweetest and he cares about my feelings and ME! I feel so blessed beyond words. I would’ve never thought I’d see the light at the end of the tunnel. I am so proud of myself so happy. He continues to try to steal my joy but I will not let him. He is the devil and I still try to be kind to everyone even him. No child support. I don’t want his money. I just want him spending time with my daughter. This is a post to let everyone in an abusive relationship know that it’s possible to be happy. It’s possible to get away from it. Speaking first hand! I am so glad to get my life where it’s supposed to be. I have learned and I will continue to learn. But I refuse to put myself in a situation of that nature ever again! I am more than my mistakes! I can conquer anything and you can too!!

My boyfriend and I! I am crying writing this. I am so excited for the future😭❤️