Suggestions on reconnecting with husband?

Hi all, I have a 1.5 year old and my husband and I both work full-time. Quarantine threw us for a loop where we were all spending time together 24/7, which at times was tough and exhausting. I am now physically back at work, hubby still from home, and son back at daycare. Son has also been sick (not COVID related), so we are all still exhausted. By the end of the day, I’m honestly all peopled-out and just want to chill. My husband and I are both very independent, and like to do our own things even sitting right next to each other (read, etc). I find more and more I’m just mindlessly scrolling through my phone and feeling anxious/like I should be doing something but not having the energy to do it.

Needless to say, my relationship has kind of gone on the back burner which I’m not happy about 😔 I feel like it’s mostly my doing and my husband is just so understanding and caring and let’s me do what I need to do to destress even if that means spending time on my own. Point being, I want to start focusing on the relationship again. Any suggestions on how to “reconnect”? And yes, we could definitely afford to have sex more often than we are now, but I’m talking moreso outside of that, although romantic suggestions definitely welcome!