Workload during pregnancy


Does anyone work full time who also went back to school while pregnant? I started panning to go back to school in March. Is a fall semester September to December. Found out I was pregnant in June. Recently I’ve e been reassigned at work bc my practice closed. I’m worried if I should Pursue this bc my manager is giving me a hard time about needing time off on evenings and weekends. Mind you I’ve never worked Saturday’s for them before. Last night we had a zoom meeting to learn more about program. They say it’s intense. 3 hours Tuesday and Thursday night each plus 9-4 every Saturday. All online. Plus hours HOURS of homework in between (20+?) I can’t drop out of get my money back once it starts. Just super concerned I won’t be able to keep up with this while working 40 hours m-f too. Also the stress could hurt my baby/Pregnancy . Has anyone else done this and been fine? I do suffer from anxiety.