Babies legs turn blue

So when I was pregnant with my sone my obgyn thought he had a heart defect they thought he has coarctation of the aorta but after going to the cardiologist when he was born and a few months after the fact he is perfectly fine with no heart issue. However I have noticed that his legs turn blue/purple sometimes and he will not stand on his legs at all he’s 8 months he should be standing by now and I do all the exercises I was told to do with him but he will not put any pressure on his legs. As far as his legs turning blue the doctor said let’s wait and see if it the heart and if not then we can try to determine why it’s happening and he has a appointment next week and I will bring up that he is still not using his legs. He kicks and moves them like crazy he just won’t stand or crawl or anything. Has anybody else had this problem with their LO?