

It feels like my current cycle has been inadvertently sabotaged by those who were suppose to be helping us achieve our dream. First the specialty pharmacy we have to use to get my shots took days and days to ready my medication stating it need approval from my doctor. Thought that was odd as this was like my 5 month taking it. Turns out my insurance has a lifetime limit of my meds and I was at my limit but it took them a week to inform me of that. So now my meds are $1,300 out of pocket. I was able to figure out a way to pay for what part of the meds I currently needed and called Wednesday to have it shipped over night. Yesterday I realized I needed to add one more medication so I call back and ask to have that sent as well by Saturday to find out who I spoke to never sent the other medication so that meant I was going to miss my dose. I also had an appointment at my fertility place to check my follicle growth rate. This clinic is an hour and a half drive for me. I was told my appointment was 6:15 pm when I was there Tuesday. I was confused and repeated the time multiple times to the lady and she confirmed. I show up at 6:05 and can’t get in and can’t get anyone on the phone because their phones are shut off at 4. To say I’m upset is an understatement. This was going to be our first time doing <a href="">IUI</a>. We only have 2 chances to do this for free before insurance renews and I have to meet my deductible again that we just can’t afford to do <a href="">IUI</a> on top of paying for visits and meds. I feel defeated right now. Sorry this is so long.