My boyfriend relapsed and we have 3 kids 😭

I need help I don’t feel like I can’t go to family about this.

He was clean for about 10 years and we have been together going on 3 years and have 3 beautiful girls ages 6,2, and 8 months. (Blended family)

The other night he was very tired and not acting right I thought it was because he worked in the sun very long hot days ( he has had a few days where he has been not feeling good) I am drained I take care of the girls, the house, and I work at a hospital part time. That night late at night he was crying and I was so confused on why he was crying and he told me he has been doing heroin the past 3 weeks! I am SHOCKED. He was having withdraws and that’s why he was feeling so tired and restless. He is on his third day of withdrawal and he also struggles with an alcohol addiction (just beer) but still I already have to deal with that. He is a great man but he struggles. I don’t know how to feel or what to do I told him I want him to start going to AA again but he says he doesn’t need help... I love him so much but I literally feel like I’ve been sleeping with a a stranger at night. He seems fine now but what do I do he spent $800 on drugs,beer, and cigarettes just in the past three weeks!? I just had so much trust in him that’s why I am so shocked and I have no one to talk to.