Sick baby

Kaitlyn • Married, 26, 👶🫄

So I almost had a panic attack today because my baby broke out in a rash all over her body. I thought it was an allergic reaction to peanuts because we had peanut butter oatmeal for breakfast (she's had peanut butter several times). Rushed her to the doctor and it's actually a viral reaction. Got a prescription for Benadryl and steroids to make the rash go away faster and for itching (she was pulling at her legs and clothes where she broke out). I gave her some Benadryl before putting her down for a nap. She's been asleep for almost 2 hours now, and I normally wake her up after 2 hours during the day (she's only slept more than 2 hours once before. Usually just 1-1.5 hour naps) Should I wake her up or let her sleep? She doesn't feel well, so part of me wants to let her sleep a little longer, but once I give her the steroids, I'm afraid she'll be up all night anyway. She has a low grade fever and the doctor thinks she's on the tail end of whatever virus is making her sick. She's been really fussy the past couple of days and I thought it was just teething (she's 8 months with no teeth, but I can see them just below the gums).

I feel sorry for my poor little girl and want her to get rest so she'll feel better, but I'm afraid of her getting dehydrated too because she's had less wet diapers since yesterday. She usually has 6-7 full diapers a day, but yesterday only had 5 and so far today she's only had 3. I want to make sure she's getting enough milk and food to keep her hydrated.

Not real sure what to do. Should I wake her up now or let her sleep another 30 mins- 1 hour? Or just let her sleep as long as she wants?

Here's a pic of her rash, but also a pic of my normally very happy and rambunctious baby.