Help. Positive opk 5 days in a row

Heather • TTC #1👶 Step mom of 2 👫

Anyone have thoughts on this? I have started taking a new fertility prenatal and maca this cycle. For about 2 weeks now.

I got my first positive opk on cd13 it was where both lines about the same color. Next day my opk was BLAZING positive cd 15 was also blazing and had positive yesterday and today as well. This is 5 days of positive opk. Cd15 I also thought I felt ovulation happening on my right side. I have no idea what is going on. I really hope I am not struggling to ovulate.

Is it possible for the prenatals to cause higher levels of the LH or anything? Is it possible I did ovulate but my levels are remaining elevated?

Do my temps look like ovulation might have happened?

I was so hopeful about our timing this month and I started temping again and the supplements. But now I am getting discouraged. Any advice is appreciated.