Unexplained infertility and IUI


My husband and I have been trying for over two years to get pregnant with no success. I have been working with my primary care physician and a naturopath to try to figure out why we’re having a difficult time. After a ton of bloodwork, ovulation predictor kits, an HSG (holy crap was that painful), and a sperm analysis we found out we have “unexplained infertility”. While I’m so thankful nothing points to the fact that it can’t happen for us, I’m so frustrated to not have answers. My naturopath has me taking vitamins and supplements, eating an anti-inflammatory diet, drinking a lot of water, and exercising regularly, and I have been feeling much better overall. We just had our consultation yesterday to proceed with an <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a>, and I am beyond excited but also nervous to get my hopes up too high. If all goes as planned, we should be having the procedure done around the second week of August (depending on my cycle and when I get the LH surge on an ovulation predictor test). Fingers crossed, prayers, positive thoughts...I’m doing it ALL!!!