Silly question. Super paranoid. Just want you ladies who have experienced this opinions. Cysts? Ovarian cancer? Hormones?

Not really sure where to post this.. so Back when i was 16 i had ovarian Cysts. Twice. They went away with some helps of BC but almost meeded surgery they were big. It has been 10 years and i have had no complications. I have 2 beautiful boys and been healthy for the most part. My grandmothers both had ovarian cancer. Now for about 2 months i have had this dull ache pain in both my ovaries. Pretty much constant its so annoying i want to cry. It is painful when i have sex if my husband isnt gentle. I have some back pain. I cant loose my weight. I all of a sudden got constipated or hard time going to bathroom the past couple weeks. I get constant headaches. I also have this REALLY WEIRD tingly wavy senstion in my lower stomach (uterus ovary area). I am getting full really fast. I dont have an appitite. No i am not pregnant i have taken tests. Again I have 2 babies ik what pregnancy feels like. Yes i do have a doc apt on Tuesday but i wanted to get anyones opinions if they have experienced this. Thank you guys ❤