Am I still at risk of rupture?


I’ve tried to ask my doctor and look the answer up myself but I’m not sure. I got the methotrexate shot on Monday July 10 and my labs from Friday July 24 and then this past Monday the 27th showed that my HCG went down from about 6800 to about 5000 so that is a healthy rate and indicates the shot worked. The doctor cleared me for sex (protected, no TCC until HCG is gone) and physical activity and of course I’ll be getting labs once a week until my HCG is clear. But I’m experiencing small aches and pains that have me worried I’m still at risk of a rupture. I would think if my HCG is decreasing that means the pregnancy is dissolving or no longer developing so I should not be at risk, but I’m not sure if that is how it works. I usually trust my body but I actually had a heterotypic pregnancy so I have no idea what is normal now.

I have occasional belly aches that are relieved with a BM, occasional pelvic tenderness that goes away if I change positions or take an OTC pain killer (doctor said I could use), occasional period like cramps, and occasional upper shoulder blade pain (not tip) that is dull like when I sleep in a bad position or my muscles are tired.