Brown spotting 2 weeks after period ended


Hey guys so I’m breastfeeding my 7 month old (just turned 7 months today actually) and he nurses every 3 hours through the day and last night was the first night EVER that he slept through the night! He would get up at least 1-2x to feed at night before that. He eats solids too and sips water but primarily breastfed. Anyway, my first postpartum period came back at 8 weeks! I couldn’t believe it because with my first son it didn’t come back until he was 6 months. Then after that one period this time around (that was back in February) it was MIA and I didn’t get it again until July 7th. It seemed like a normal 5 day period, nothing much different than before. Then on 7/26, 2 weeks after it ended I started brown spotting. No red/pink, just brown clearish spotting on pantyliner for 3 days. After 3 days it was completely gone. I’ve been taking opks every morning just to see if I’m ovulating this cycle (and so far I’m not and I’m already on CD 25). Took a pregnancy test just because and of course it was negative. But I’ve been feeling OFF lately. Super fatigued, a little dizzy, a little on and off crampy here and there and just.. different. I’m not sure what’s going on but I called my OBGYN and they told me to take a test and then to go for a regular physical work bloodwork at my regular doctor’s office. Anyone have any ideas what’s going on? Could I be pregnant but just too early in my cycle to tell? If so, is it even possible to be feeling symptoms this early? I should know by now given that this would be baby #3 lol. Thanks!