Miscarriage last year now this year an etopic pregnancy

Hi All, anyone willing to share their testimony on suffering with a loss back to back and how they recovered. I feel totally alone because no one can really relate to what I’m going through. I find this app to have a lot of helpful information concerning women’s health. I actually conceived off this app 3 times. Last year 8/21 I had a miscarriage after finding out a week before I was pregnant devastated to find out it wasn’t a viable pregnancy I had to have a d&c then this year 6/20 I found Out I was pregnant i was scared and happy at the same time until a week later 7/3 I started having bad cramps which made me go to the hospital to find out I was pregnant in my Fallopian tube 😢 I had to have emergency surgery bc it ruptured now I only have one tube left . Is it any hope for me although doctors tell me I can get pregnant again