4 weeks post miscarriage

kim • 🎀2008👼🏼2011👼🏼2012👼🏼2012🌈🎀2013🏈2018👼🏼2020🌈🏈2021

finally my body is doing something :)))) 4 long weeks of testing watching my hcg go down and to negative and my lh staying the same for 3 weeks i gave up peeing on stuff cause it was just messing with me so i began redoing my daughters room to keep busy today’s well i had three ovulation test left over and i was curious and since i’m not working in the room today my inner pee on stick addict came out luckily it was good news i got a postive ovulation so i’ll test again tonight and see if it peaks but baby dancing is how i will spend my next 3 days :)