Thoughts :( please help?

Hiya so this has been a bit stressful and i’m unsure what to do.

What do y’all think? Here’s what’s happened (ps. I’m not on birth control):

Right now it’s my 22nd day without my period, i was supposed to have it on July 6th. Now my boyfriend & I did the tango (withdrawl method) June 18th, and then i was in quarantine and didn’t see him from June 22nd - July 13th. Thats a 4 week time gap of no physical contact with him. Not legitimate period.

From July 19th through the 21st, I experienced some medium feeling cramps and some really dark red and brown heavy spotting, that would go on and off for these 2 and a half days. Was concerned if it could be implantation bleeding...(Picture below)

On July 20th, i took a pregnancy test: results negative. July 28th i took another pregnancy test: results negative. They were both very clearly negative. I’m gonna take another one in about a week. Side note: i did have sex recently and I’ve been really tender on lips near the vagina opening for the past 2-3 days. If that means anything?

Technically if i was pregnant right now, i would be at least 5-6 weeks along. But i’ve now tested two times negative with no nausea or pregnancy symptoms, and i still haven’t had my period. I really don’t have many period problems and nothing like this has ever happened to me before. Not sure what to do or what’s happening?

Edit: thank you for the comments!