Good induction.


So when it was coming up to my induction I was desperate to find positive birth stories and I was really struggling to find them so thought I’d share mine for other mummas.

It didn’t start out too great at first as the labour suite was too full so I was stuck in the hospital for 3 days as I was classed as having a high risk pregnancy.

However eventually I make it to the labour suite and get my waters broken at 8:40pm. I then have 2 hours to go for a walk and try and get labour going. Although I started having some contractions my labour wasn’t quite as far along as they wanted so I was given the hormone drip. And boy did this kick start things! At 12:40am I was in established labour and the contractions were intense but gas and air definitely helped. At 3:30 I got into the birthing pool which again really helped however after an hour and a half I decided I wanted dihydrocodeine so had to get out of the pool. By 5:30 I had dilated to 9cm and at 8:15am I was ready to push and my gorgeous little girl was born at 8:44am.

So yes I think the hormones definitely made my contractions more intense however there’s so much available to help with that that it was bearable. Also being in established labour for inky 8 hours really was incredible and nowhere near as bad as I had built up in my mind as a first time mumma.

I really hope this can ease others anxiety about induced birth.

Good luck mummas! 🥰