August Baby 🥰


Yesterday at 8:06 AM I had my beautiful baby boy! I was scheduled for a c-section 08/10 but baby had other plans!

My water broke 08/01 at 1:10 AM. I was alseep and thought I had peed the bed. So I sat up and all of a sudden it gushed down my legs. It was uncontrollable so I knew it wasn’t urine.

We headed to the hospital and they did a test to see if it was for sure amniotic fluid (it was). They checked baby boys position and he was still breech. So my OB scheduled time for the c-section at 7:30 AM.

Reed Jason S. was born at 8:06 AM, he is 8 pounds 9 oz and 18.5 inches long! I love this sweet boy 🥰