What should I do ?


So my boyfriend has two cats and he’s had them before we got together, I love them but I’m extremely allergic and a little scared of cats in general , right now we live in a huge 4 bedroom apartment so they have their space and i don’t suffer as much lol . We are now downsizing to a more affordable 1 bedroom apartment with our 7 month old and he’s saying they will have the living room which leaves just the bedroom to stay in all day ..I also think it’s a bit unsanitary to have them jumping all over the kitchen counters where we have to cook ( this was happening in his first place they had free range and his kitchen was disgusting,before we moved in our current place) he doesn’t keep up with cleaning their litter boxes and it’s concerning me because our daughter is starting to crawl ..they also aren’t use to kids and again I am scared of cats ..I don’t want to ask him to get rid of them because that’s not my place but I really don’t know what to do ..