It’s amazing

Isis • 22❤️Married❤️mom of 3🌸🌸💙

Hey mamas let me sit this here!

In the very beginning I put so much stress on myself to breastfeed and baby wasn’t latching correctly and my goal was a year and in my head i beat myself up terrible wondering why can’t I do something I want to do I’m failing ! Worrying my milk supply isn’t enough stressing cause it won’t increase crying because baby wouldn’t latch claim to exclusively pump crying because I have to give formula irritated at everyone because things wasn’t going right BUT THEN! I let it go and tried a if he does it that’s great if he doesn’t I’ll pump and that’s okay approach and honestly ladies it’s amazing ! My son drinks formula and breastmilk willingly he also now has no issues latching he loves breastfeeding just as much as he love bottle feeding he loves breast milk just as much as he loves formula I don’t stress about how much milk I’m getting anymore I know it’ll be topped off with formula or a breast milk bottle I realize we beat ourselves up ALOT because breastfeeding is forced in our mind if you want to breastfeed do it! Continue u do both if you have to ITS OKAY my son latches on and enjoys every minute of feeding regardless rather it’s boob or bottle ! My goal was to exclusively breastfed but now my goal is to formula and breastfeed 😊 and man it’s amazing !