Keeping my children away from my sister

I’m well aware at the end of the day it is MY decision and nobody else’s; i just wanted some insight here.

I have a 14 year old sister but she’s out of control and doesn’t act her age at all. Not to come at my mother bc i love her but she does not discipline her at all and basically let’s her do whatever she wants. So I’m currently pregnant with my 3rd kid, i have a 4 year old son and a daughter who is almost 2. I just recently had to move back into my mothers house bc i had to leave a very toxic relationship with my children’s father and had nowhere to go. My mom told me i have until this baby is born to get out. WELL, my sister is so disrespectful to me and says things in front of my kids that are not okay. Like the other day for instance she was going on about how stupid i am for having kids with a guy like him and all this other stuff about him right in front of them and at least she’s not 24 and broke with an abusive baby daddy just a bunch of nonsense that she shouldn’t be speaking of especially while my kids are in the room. She’s always giving my kids cookies and snacks at all hours of the day when I’ve literally been on her for years about asking first. She doesn’t ask me permission for ANYTHING when it comes to MY kids. Of course I’m not expecting her to ask me about every little thing but with her trying to take them in the pool or walk down the street etc she just asks them and then I’m the “mean mom” when i say no. There’s so much more to the issues i have with her but I’m not going to get in to everything, but what was the last straw for me was my kids had piggy banks here that were filled to the TOP. They each had one. When i moved in they came up completely empty. She swears she didn’t take the money but she has a history of stealing. She’s stolen brand new shoes my ex had shipped to my moms house (we lived in an apartment and didn’t trust getting stuff shipped there), she’s stolen money and clothes and so much other stuff from my mom, she saved my aunts debit card on her phone when she was allowed to use it one time and spent over $500 door dashing food over the course of a few months, and she denied every single incident and then proof was found.

Another thing is; she is VERY rough with them and constantly has them doing things that are just not okay like jumping off of counters and pouring dish soap and water on the floors and climbing up a window frame (it’s like 6 windows all connected into one big window if that makes sense).

I’ve told her for months now if she doesn’t stop she will not be involved in my kids life, and she doesn’t seem to care. Either that or she thinks i don’t mean it. I know she’s 14 but she does not act her age at all, she acts like she’s about 18 with the way she is and stuff she does. And all she’s been doing the past few days is doing stuff to make me mad or ruin my stuff (like purposely getting hair dye on my daughters crib sheet for school bc it was on the counter and “shouldn’t have been there”).

She’s been doing stuff like this for YEARS and been this way towards me. So I’m not sure if i just have so much anger built up towards her or if I’m thinking logically.

(I’m also gonna add there’s been plenty of times she’s thrown stuff at me while i was holding my children when they were babies and tried to fight me when i was pregnant)

Someone please give me some insight here... bc I’m so close to cutting her off completely from my life and my kids.