Measuring behind! HELP


I went last week for my 8 week ultrasound and at first the doctor was having a hard time getting pictures. She said my uterus was tilted, which has never happened before in my previous pregnancies. She went to review the pictures but came back in saying that i was measuring behind and wanted to schedule me for a follow up exam. she did not say how behind i was but i was able to hear the heart beat.

i have been in shambles since googling EVERYTHING and scaring myself. Ive had diarrhea since finding out im pregnant which with my last pregnancy i was always constipated. i feel semi nauseous which i heard it a good thing but i just cant shake this feeling.

i would love to hear everyones stories and own experiences to help me process this and make it till Thursday when my next appointment is. i did get this picture from the ultrasound.