Peanut allergy?

Baby is 12 months. She had a virus last week with a fever and throat infection so she was on antibiotics from Friday (once a day). I missed the dose last night. She hasn’t had a fever since yesterday morning and was overall looking and acting better. This morning she had regular milk around 8:30. She was playing with her sister a little. My older one asked for some peanut butter so I gave her some and gave the baby some also on a spoon. She’s been having peanut butter weekly since 6 months. Within 2 min of having peanut butter I picked her up to change her diaper and saw a welt on her inner thigh. When I took her shirt off I saw more on her left armpit and nowhere else. I put her down to look for Benadryl just in case and when I picked her up again within a couple of min she had more on her other armpit and then continued to get more on her belly, back, thigh and a small spot on her face. I called her dr to get the dosage for Benadryl and asked what it could be from. Dr wasn’t in yet but front desk told me to just keep an eye on it. Is it possible that she developed a peanut allergy? Or could this be from the virus? The antibiotic?

She was on the antibiotic bc she had a lot of puss in her throat, temp was 103 for 2 days and she has a medical history (surgery, hospitalizations). They put her on the antibiotic just in case bc it was the weekend and they wanted to cover her until the office opened today. I was also alternating Tylenol with Motrin every 4 hours. They tested for flu and strep in office both were negative. They sent out a viral panel but it’s not coming back until tomorrow.