I need serious help!

Ok! So I’m 7weeks and 5 days pregnant! I’m going to be completely honest about my situation to determine my choice! So I’m in the middle of getting separated from being in a domestic violent marriage for the past 4 years and when I finally told the police cause it was getting worse they separated us and we don’t live together. In the months that went by I met someone who told me he was married but he said he’s only married cause financial gain cause he’s military.. it took him awhile to finally tell me.. he proved to me that he’s just friends with his wife and he even told her about me. So I was like ok. But I really viewed us as just having fun while here in japan until I go back to the states after the divorce is complete. Recently I found out I’m pregnant with this new guys child.. and I’ve miscarried and had an abortion before in my past. I know the situation sounds messy and I guess seeing the baby and hearing the heart beat got to me a little.. one hand I don’t feel like I’m ready and the other I just feel overwhelmed in guilt thinking about abortion all over again.

Should I keep it?

Or should I get an abortion?