Faint lines during 2WW

This group says no BFP, to me, these are not positive but questionable. I have gotten many faint lines/evap lines before and i’ll stare and stare until I see what I want, a positive. I am currently TTC baby#2 it has been 6 months now trying, it has been awhile since I got tests like these. I know i’m not crazy, I see a vvfl besides the one test that shows a clear positive, what i’m wondering is can I still be pregnant? I’d say i’m about 11DPO. The first picture with 3 tests, I took the 1$ test and got the positive, that night we bought another and got the faint positive, next morning I took another 1$ test with FMU and got a negative. Two days later I have taken two more and got faint positive but they haven’t darkened. The wait is so frustrating, I swear i’ll go broke buying tests. I just want to fall pregnant! Wish me luck, I’m hoping I can hold off another few days and get a better, darker result. I cant stand the heartbreak of a negative test and doing it all over again the next month.