Ryker is here!


My original due date was 8/17. I’m a FTM and I’ve been so excited about this pregnancy. Every visit had been going great, no concerns, no issues other than the usual swelling, heartburn, gas, and frequent pees... at least until my 36 week visit. Baby boy was breech but I had no concerns because he still had time to turn and honestly I had no birth plan other than I knew I wanted an epidural but C-section or vaginal didn’t matter to me as long as he was safe. The concern was that he may have had an IUGR. I also had not started to dilate or efface. I saw my OB on a Wednesday July 22nd and they wanted me to see MFM by Friday. I was a wreck and after googling IUGR so scared and concerned for my boy. Friday I went to my MFM ultrasound appt and they actually gave me some relief stating he didn’t have an IUGR but he was still small and there may be a blood flow issue with my placenta. He said he wanted me to deliver once I hit 37 weeks (Monday or later) and scheduled me to come back Monday for another ultrasound to make sure baby was still stable. Monday came and the doc actually had good news, baby was doing fine though still breech, and my blood flow from the placenta actually looked better but they said they still wanted me to go ahead and deliver that week. My OB called on my way home and they had scheduled me to deliver via c section the next day. I was excited and nervous but so ready to meet my baby. We had to be to the hospital by 11 am and my surgery was scheduled for 1:30. My husband was a nervous wreck, as was I. We ended up running 10 mins late because I forgot to leave my mom our house key so she could come take care of our animals so I had to stop to meet her. We got to the hospital, checked in and within 15 mins they were bringing me back to get me ready. The nurse had me change and she wiped me down neck to toes with chlorhexadine anti bacterial wipes and then got me dressed in my surgical gown. I went back to pre op and they started my IV, did my bloodwork and covid test and before I knew it we were headed back to surgery. They did the spinal block and my legs went numb and then they started prepping me and put the curtain up. My husband sat next to my head, holding my hand. They said the whole procedure would take about an hour but within 15 mins I hear he’s about to be here and lots of tugging/pulling and then they dropped the window in the curtain and I saw my son for the first time. He was perfect. I immediately started crying. They measured him, 5lb 4oz, 18”, born at 3:12 pm. I got incredibly nauseous and started throwing up due to them messing with my insides so they took baby off my chest and dad went to do skin to skin. I stayed in the hospital 3 nights and then we went across the street to the children’s hospital due to Ryker’s weight, had that under control and increasing by Sunday morning and got released then. So happy to be home, it was quite the experience, but worth everything. Please say hi to Ryker Martin T.